Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Over

Hey CO!

SYF is FINALLY OVER! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!! WE GOT DISTINCTION! It's what  we have been working hard for, skipping recess, waking up earlier than usual, skipping lunch! Well, we deserve it! We must also enjoy the process whereby we spent recess together as a whole CO! 

Aren't you guys excited? Well, it means that the REDS are going to step down D: CCA is going to be more boring since SYF is over but must still continue to work hard to prepare for the next SYF! Well, it means that HANDOVER is going to happen really soon and that the YELLOWS are going to lead SNCO! Enjoy your time with the reds!

Lastly, ALL THE VERY BEST FOR CA2! Must study harder since we spent most of our time practising for SYF! LESS THAN A WEEK TO CA2! JIAYOUS AND GET AS MANY As AS POSSIBLE! 

♥ SNCOmm